Isn’t the tongue a strange thing? Mine seems to have a mind of its own. When I get my teeth cleaned it gets in the way of the dental hygienist by chasing hand-held mirrors, scrapers, and polishers. The tongue is important because it helps us chew, swallow, speak, and taste. It's unique in that it is the only muscle not connected at both ends to bone.
And that’s when it’s handy for flute-playing.
We use the tongue to create a clear, clean start to our sound. When we discuss the use of the tongue, we call it “tonguing”. Some of the tonguing techniques we use for flute include single-tonguing, double tonguing, triple tonguing, flutter tonguing, and other special effects created and practiced by flutists and composers who seem intrigued by this unusual muscle and the sounds we get with its creative use.
Tonguing for beginning flutists
When we say “blow into the flute”, you may think that you should blow like you’re blowing out a candle, or fogging up a mirror with your breath (similar to an unpronounced Hoo” or “Hah”). If you can’t get a sound anyway else, that’s a start. But it is used rarely in flute playing. If the composer wanted the flutist to start the sound with a “Hah”, there would have to be special written instructions. Otherwise it is assumed that all sounds produced on the flute begin with the tongue releasing the air stream (as in “Tah”).
So, if you’re just starting out and you can’t start the sound with your tongue yet, come back to that as soon as you can get a sound on your flute. You don’t want to develop the habit of starting your sound with a “Hoo” or “Hah”.
Introduction/Review of single tonguing on the flute
The basic, single tongue on flute is used most of the time. When a passage is too fast for the single tonguing to be even and articulated clearly, other articulations might be used.
Here are some tips for single tonguing:
- Get your breath and lip formation ready. Release the breath from your mouth cavity with a “tah”, a “too”, or maybe a “tuh”. Your tongue tip will touch the back of your top teeth. (This exact spot may move slightly depending on the highness/lowness of the note and your own unique tongue.)
- Start the tone with your tongue, but stop the tone by stopping the flow of breath. (You may notice that you use your abdominal muscles to stop the air stream.) Do not end the tone with another “t”, like “taht” or “toot”. (This could be used as a special effect but is not normal flute technique.)
- Check to be sure you are using your tongue, not your lips, to start the note. (If you’re using your lips you might be forming a “pah”, not the desired “tah”.)
- Check to be sure you are using your tongue, not your throat, to start the note. (If you’re using your throat/glottis, you might be starting the note with something like “eh”, instead of the desired “tah”.)
- When you single-tongue, try to make the tongue attack the same way for all of the notes. If a composer wants any of the single-tongued notes to sound different (louder, softer, connected) it will be marked. Otherwise, again, it is assumed you will tongue all of the notes in the same manner.
- If you have trouble playing the lowest or highest notes with a “tah” sound, experiment with “tew”, “dah” and “dew” syllable formations to see if that helps. Remember to keep your throat as open as possible- that’s why the “tah” is often suggested.
Double tonguing on the flute
You may find musical passages that require such speed that your single tonguing becomes inconsistent and uneven. If you’ve mastered the single tongue, then it’s probably time to use the double tongue. Double tonguing is used when the notes come in groups of twos, fours, and other multiples of two. It uses the tip of the tongue and a “tah” (or “tew”) syllable in partnership with a “kah” (or “kew”) syllable, which is created a bit farther back on the tongue.
For the following practice, you can use scales, a method book for flute that has tonguing/articulation exercises, or excerpts from music you are learning or reviewing.
- Practice starting the notes with “kah” only, to become proficient with getting a clear attack. To begin with, work in the middle range.
- Practice the “tah-kah tah-kah” pattern slowly at first, then increase the tempo gradually, only moving up in speed after you can play the pattern evenly. Start with repeated notes, moving to ascending or descending patterns as you become more skilled.
- Practice reversing that pattern to help develop your ability to play the notes evenly: “kah-tah kah-tah”. This is for practice only, when you play you will use “tah” on the strong divisions of beats.
- Try numbers 1, 2, and 3 above, but for number 1, use “gah”. For number 2, use “dah-gah dah-gah” , and for number 3 use “gah-dah gah-dah”. (There may come a time or a range of notes for which you choose to use the “d” and “g” instead of “t” and “k”).
- Now experiment and use different vowel sounds (how about “toh-koh”,”doh-goh”, “tee-kee”, “dee-gee”) in addition to “tah-kah” and “tew-kew”. Listen to your sound. Which sounds the most clear? Think about your throat and mouth cavity. Which vowel sound opens up the throat the most?
At this point, having a private teacher may be helpful. He or she can stand back and listen to your tonguing and tell you when it is most clear and resonant. If you don’t have a private teacher, remember to keep your throat open and create a clear, even start to your double-tongued notes.
Triple tonguing on the flute
Triple tonguing is used when the note passage is too rapid for you to use single tongue clearly and evenly. It’s used when the notes come in groups of threes or multiples of three.
There are three possible ways to triple tongue notes, each with both positive and negative qualities. For convenience I will label them with the starting consonant only. (Remember, though, that the mouth cavity and the throat are affected by the vowel sound you shape which, in turn, affects the tone quality of the notes.)
- T-K-T T-K-T: This is a common triple tongue, but sometimes uneven because of the two “T”’s next to each other.
- T-K-T K-T-K: Did you notice that this looks like double tonguing? What’s different is that you need to mentally emphasize the “k” that begins the second group of three.
- T-D-K T-D-K: This third possibility is mentioned by Edwin Putnik in The Art of Flute Playing. I’ve found that the other two possibilities are sufficient and haven’t been able to master this tonguing. If you do this, please leave a comment below and tell me your experiences!
You should practice the first two methods carefully. Depending on the musical passage, you may incorporate both. You can use scale patterns to practice if you don’t have any specific triple tonguing exercises.
Flutter Tonguing on the flute
Ah…this is a rolled R action and is a special effect. If you are supposed to flutter tongue, It will be marked, probably with “flutter”, or 3 slashes through the note stem, or “FL”. Before attempting it on flute, you may need to just practice rolling your “R”s for as long as you can. You’ll want to have enough air forcing through to help the tip of your tongue flutter rapidly.
Some things you can try:
- Without your flute, try forming a “Tr” or “Dr” shape. Force enough air through your mouth cavity over your tongue and see if it r-r-r-rolls.
- Without your flute, form your playing embouchure, put your hand about 4 inches in front of your mouth, and try r-r-r-rolling your tongue to get your flutter. Direct the air up and down your hand so you learn control.
- If you can flutter tongue without your flute, now get ready to play. Find a middle range note, then a higher note, and finally a lower note. Flutter tongue for as long as you can on each note.
Other Ways To Start Your Flute Tone?
Come back later when I discuss special effects in a separate blog post.
Have you tried these things? Can you do it? I’m excited and would like to hear how you did. Send me a comment and share your thoughts!